Pizza Better Breakfast Than Cereals, Says Registered Nutritionist

What is the healthy breakfast option: pizza or cereal? Well, it actually turns out to be pizza.

Pizza Better Breakfast Than Cereals

Captain Crunch or Domino’s? Fruit Loops or Papa John’s?

Well, these questions might sound a bit strange, but the answers may change your morning breakfast routines.

Cereals may be delicious and healthy, but according to a registered nutritionist, Chelsey Amer, based in New York, a slice of pizza is a more nutritional way to kick start your day.

The nutritionist explained that cereals contain a large amount of sugar.

Amer told The Daily Meal, “Pizza may have more fat, but it has less sugar. You’ll have a better chance of avoiding a sugar crash later on.”

It is a bit surprising to find out that a bowl of cereal with whole milk slice and a slice of pizza contain almost the same amount of calories.

Amer also said that pizza has more amount of protein, which is why you will feel satiated and you would more likely be avoiding munching and snacking later in the day. She said, “Pizza slices also contain more protein, which means pizza will hold your appetite down and not give you a crash from coming off a ‘sugar high.’”

However, she said says she is not advocating pizza as your usual breakfast staple; instead, she is just pointing out that pizza could be a better option than cereals. Better than pizza and cereals, she suggests having Greek yogurt with fruit or oatmeal with cinnamon.