Outbreak Total Hits 54 as 4 New Measles Cases Confirmed in Oregon

In a recent measles outbreak, 4 new cases are confirmed in Multnomah County which leads to the total of 54.

Outbreak New Measles Cases Confirmed

Oregon Health Authority confirmed that there are 3 more measles cases measles in Multnomah County and now total stands to four in the current outbreak.

Health officials said that these patients do not pose any public health risk but told them to stay at home only until they are suffering from measles. Reason behind these recent three cases is that they were in close contact with the patient who was confirmed with measles on January 25.

“These individuals did everything right,” said Jennifer Vines, M.D., Multnomah County deputy health officer. “They stayed away from others while on symptom watch so we have no new public exposures to measles.”

The Multnomah County confirmed four measles cases, Clark County Public Health also confirmed their 50th case on the same day. Total stands to 54 now. 11 more suspected cases are being investigated in Clark County.
Symptoms of measles are cough, a mild fever, runny nose, red eyes, followed by a rash.

Call your health provider if you or any of your family member visited the exposure places and showing symptoms of measles. By doing this they can limit exposing others in the waiting room.

Ann Thomas from Oregon Health Authority said that this measles outbreak has put people at real risk. Also make people aware that measles could come back easily. Getting more and more vaccinated is the only way to prevent it.

The CDC says one dose of the MMR vaccine is 93% effective, while having two doses of the vaccine is 97% effective.

Kids typically receive the first MMR vaccine at one year to fifteen months age, and the second dose from 4 to 6 years of age.