Olive Oil Benefits For Brain and Mental Health

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that help your brain cells from oxidation.


Olive oil is considered the healthiest food to stay healthy and improve your longevity.

Some of the commonly known health benefits of olive oil include its ability to boost the immune system, prevent heart disease, increase bone density, and reduce diabetes risk.

The brain and mental health benefits of olive oil are often overlooked. Studies have found that it is one of the best brain foods.

Olive oil is one of the key parts of the Mediterranean diet, which is why people who live in Ikaria, Greece, who follow the Mediterranean diet, rarely suffer from neurological or psychological issues such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, or depression.

Here are the 5 potential benefits of olive oil on the brain and mental health:

Prevents Oxidation

Our cells undergo oxidation caused by free radicals because they use a lot of oxygen, giving rise to inflammation. Similarly, oxidation occurs in your brain cells, making them vulnerable to inflammation and cell damage. Olive oil is loaded natural antioxidants known as polyphenols, containing more than 30 phenolic compounds, which act as an antioxidant. 

Provides Essential Brain Vitamins

Olive oil is one of the important sources of two essential brain vitamins – vitamin E and vitamin K, which are known to boost brain health. Vitamin E helps in preventing mental decline as we age – thanks to its antioxidant properties that protect brain cells from oxidation. Also, vitamin ED, in association with vitamin C, boost memory and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin K is known to boost your brain’s processing speed and keep your brain sharp as you age, improving your memory. In fact, vitamin K has a key role in preventing Alzheimer’s because studies have found that patients with neurological conditions often have vitamin K deficiency.

Reduced Risk of Depression

One of the most overlooked benefits of olive oil is that it can help reduce the risk of depression. Researchers have found that the risk of depression decreases by 50 percent in people who include olive oil in their diet than those who include vegetable oils. Studies have found that eating more trans fats increases the risk of depression.

Boosts Secretion of Brain Chemicals

Olive oil boosts the production of two important brain chemicals called nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which are known to repair your brain cells. NGF enhances the growth and repair of nerve cells, while BDNF stimulates new brain cell formation. These brain chemicals can prevent your brain from the negative effects of stress.

Prevents Neurodegenerative Diseases Olive oil has been found to prevent neurodegenerative disease, thereby warding off cognitive decline. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats that improve memory and boost cognitive function in older people. One study has found that eating a diet rich in olive oil could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, a neurodegenerative disease, by 40 percent.