Kourtney Kardashian Undergoes Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy to Fix a Bald Spot

“Probably need two or three series, maybe once a month for the next three months.”


Celebrities often go an extra mile to enhance their beauty whether it is about getting botox or a vampire facial – and how can we forget the famous Kardashians.

Recently, Kourtney Kardashian has revealed that she received the latest cosmetic treatment called ‘platelet-rich plasma therapy’ to cover a bald spot on her scalp.

Kourtney’s sister Kim pointed out a bald spot on Kourtney’s head on the teaser of this season’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Kim said, “Oh my god, I’m afraid for your life. Have you seen that?” Kourtney quickly responded, “No, but I feel it.”

On the premiere of this week’s show, Kourtney revealed that she has started platelet-rich plasma therapy to fix a bald spot on her scalp, “which is where they take your blood and spin it and they use your plasma and they inject it in my head for my hair to grow back.”

In the video clip, you can see Kourtney discussing the therapy with her doctor, who advises her to get some more injections in the spot. Her doctor also explained to her that she will “probably need two or three series, maybe once a month for the next three months,” reassuring her she will be fine after the therapy.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a procedure often favored by athletes to help them recover from an injury.

In this therapy, a technician draws blood from the patient to extract the platelet-rich plasma. The plasma is then injected into the patient’s scalp where there is a bald spot. The plasma is believed to repair blood vessels, stimulate cell growth and collagen production, and heal a wound.

The therapy includes the administration of platelet-rich plasma through monthly injections for at least three months. Platelet-rich plasma therapy, which may cost between $700 and $1500 per injection, is considered safe and effective for people with alopecia, with patients reporting a 30 percent increase in their hair growth after receiving the treatment; however, results may vary from individual to individual.