Israeli Scientists Claim Cancer Cure Is Almost Near, Physicians Are Doubtful

Israeli scientists say cancer cure is almost near; however, physicians are skeptical.

Israeli Scientists Claim Cancer Cure Is Almost Near

A group of Israeli scientists is on the verge of finding a cancer cure, according to a Jerusalem Post report.

The report published on Monday focused on the company called Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Limited.

The company’s Chairman of the board, Dan Aridor, said, “We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer.”

The report mentions that the company’s treatment known as, “MuTaTo” (Multi-Target Toxin) is essentially a type of cancer antibiotic, which is a disruptive technology of the highest order.

However, physicians and health experts who spoke with ABC11 in North Carolina are quite skeptical about Israeli scientists’ claims.

Dr. Benjamin Neel, the director of the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health, said, “Although one can always find something new, it’s highly unlikely that a company has developed something that is going to cure all cancers within a year. I mean, it’s just not plausible.”

Dr. Neel also said, “I really think that it’s really unfair and almost cruel to bandy about these likely to be false hopes to cancer patients.”

A spokesperson for Duke Health did not want to comment on the report due to lack of scientific peer-review.

The Jerusalem Post reports that the company has tested MuTaTo on mice and is on the cusp of clinical studies.

Dr. Neel explained, “As far as I know, this product hasn’t been in patients. History is littered with claims made on the basis of test tube-based or animal studies that had absolutely no transferability into human disease.”

Aridor said the company is not an institute or university research publishing for peer review. He further noted that the company gave meticulous lectures on its findings and progress in three “Drug Discovery” conferences in 2017 and 2018, and added it received good reviews.

“When they present it for peer review and it’s published in a respectable journal and we can look at it, then that will be another story,” explained Dr. Neel.

Last month, the company received a U.S. patent on their platform.

Ardior states, “Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market.” “Our solution will be both generic and personal.” According to the National Cancer Institute’s estimation, over 1.7 million people would be diagnosed with cancer in 2018, while more than 600,000 would die from cancer that year.