Hollie Strano Opens Up About Her Mental Health For The First Time

Hollie Stano speaks up about her deeply personal issue with severe anxiety. She also reveals how mental health therapy saved her life.

Hollie Strano About Mental Health

Earlier this week, Hollie Strano, the American meteorologist, publically discussed her ‘deeply personal issue’ for the first time. She told her story Tuesday morning and since then, she has been receiving great support and love.

The WKYC’s meteorologist said, “By nature, I’m a really happy, positive person. Less than two years ago, I would have never known that my world as I know it would have come to a screeching halt and that I would have been spiraled into severe anxiety.”

She had experienced overwhelming pain and did not tell anyone about her emotional disturbance other than her most intimate circle, not even to her friends and coworkers.

Hollie said, “I went through a really traumatic divorce. I felt like, in a sense at first, that I had failed, so it was really hard for me to understand and come to grips with what was going on.”

She explained that she always struggled with some degree of anxiety, but it turned into severe anxiety with bouts of breathless along with an unbearable sense of panic.

She also stated, “I had an amazing support system of close family, and a tight-knit group of friends, but as a mom, I knew that I needed more help than that. So I actually sought out mental health counseling, and it saved my life. In plain English, it saved my life. I feel like it’s a really important message because no matter what it is you’re going through, that help is out there for a reason.”

Hollie credited people or viewers like us who are reading this right now. She said peopled encouraged here in overcoming the anxiety.

The American meteorologist said, “I love viewers as it is, but this brought it to a whole new level for me. I’d post something inspirational and the viewers would just start chiming in. It was like somehow, someway, they knew something and they would lift me. That’s really how my healing began, and then it was brought to another level through mental health counseling.”

She further added, “I decided to talk about it now because I feel like out of my tragedy came a huge blessing, and the realization that I can help others. I hope that by talking about this openly this will help you, and maybe you’ll be able to get through whatever it is you’re going through right now because you can.” Since she spoke about her mental health Tuesday morning, Hollie has been receiving a lot of love on social media.