Halloween 2019: Health and Safety Tips

    “Enjoy it in moderation, because you want to get through the holidays hopefully unscathed.”


    As trick-or-treaters will be out today in search of some awesome treats, health officials offer health and safety tips to keep you safe.

    When we think of Halloween, we think of spooky costumes, jack-o’-lanterns, ghosts, witches, and of course, a lot of candies. So, healthy eating is nowhere near. However, there are a few simple tips you can take to make this Halloween safer and healthier.

    The health officials recommended kids to head out between 4 pm and 8 pm, and they should be accompanied by their parents or guardians. Trick-or-treaters should carry some sort of illumination, wear light-colored clothing and comfortable shoes.

    Be cautious when it comes to buying candies because according to the National Confectioners Association, more than 77 percent of Americans buy candies at Halloween to distribute to trick-or-treaters.

    While chocolates and candies are the ultimate prizes, the health officials recommend parents to inspect the sugarcoats before their kids eat them.

    Sally Squires, the Lean Plate Club blogger, said, “This is not rocket science. It’s chocolate, of course. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. People love that.” The blogger advises choosing dark chocolate because it is much healthier. She explained that what seems too sweet is not necessarily good for us.

    Sally said, “If you can take whatever stash you have left after Halloween and you can store it, putting it in places where it’s less likely to be tempting. Try the back of the freezer. Or maybe the cookie jar at the top of the cupboard so you’re not looking at it all the time.”

    “If you do really want to have it around, just parcel it out. So give yourself two pieces or whatever it is that’s going to fit into your daily caloric intake and just make sure you’re not there with the candy bowl out mindlessly dipping into it — which we all do, me included,” added Sally.

    “Enjoy it in moderation, because you want to get through the holidays hopefully unscathed,” she continued.

    Cindy Solis, Registered Dietitian at Gundersen Health System, said, “On Halloween night let your children go through their bag of candy, find the candies that they really like versus the candy they don’t care so much about, and let them indulge in those candies they really enjoy. Then after that setting some rules or guidelines.” You can remove sodas or juices for the day if you are concerned that your child may consume too much sugar candies this Halloween.