Four Nutrients Meghan Markle Should Focus On For A Healthy Pregnancy

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is expecting her first baby this spring. She might be making changes to her diet for a healthy pregnancy. Here are the nutrients she should be focusing on!

Meghan Markle On Healthy Pregnancy

Meghan Markle, the 37-year-old Duchess of Sussex, is expecting her first child in the spring this year. So, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is extremely crucial during her pregnancy.

Meghan and other pregnant women should make sure they are eating essential nutrients, revealed Geeta, the founder of Nosh Detox. She recommends four nutrients that should be considered to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

  • Fat

Yes, you read it right! Fats are crucial during pregnancy because it helps the baby’s brain to develop properly. It also boosts the baby’s nervous system. Geeta said, “Nuts, seeds, avocados, salmon, coconut and olive oil are all healthy fats which will help keep you ticking along nicely. “

She added, “It’s always a good idea to carry them along in the royal purse to have as and when her energy may start flagging. A handful of nuts, a banana or even a toasted bagel with peanut butter are great options.”

  • Protein

The fetus relies on getting a sufficient amount of protein from the mothers’ diet. It is essential for the growth of the body, helping to maintain optimal health. The best dietary sources of protein are skinless poultry, lean meat, beans, pulses, and nuts.

Geeta said, “It is also good idea to try and eat two portions of oily fish a week be such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Do not exceed two per week however as they contain toxins which could be harmful in excess.”

  • Calcium

Calcium will help ensure the baby grows strong bones, and teeth. This nutrient also helps to rebuild and repair bones. It gives the baby some help as it begins to grow and develop. Calcium-rich sources include dairy products, soybeans, tofu, and green vegetables. If you prefer dairy alternatives, add soya drinks and yogurts. 

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D keeps your muscles, bones, and teeth healthy. “Levels of vitamin D impact absorption of other vitamins such as calcium and magnesium so make sure that these are kept optimum from pre-pregnancy through to post pregnancy,” explained Geeta. Plus, it could lower your risk of developing rickets or osteomalacia.