Former NFL Player Tim Tebow Has Been Following Keto Diet Since 2012

“It has worked for me and I believe in it.”


Tim Tebow, the former NFL player, has said that he has been one of the big fans of the keto diet. He said he did not know a single person on the keto diet when he started following the diet seven years ago.

In an interview with PEOPLE, the 33-year-old said, “I was the first person I knew in the beginning of 2012 to do it,” crediting his trainer for introducing the ketogenic diet to him.

Tebow explained, “You learn carbs are the enemy,” but admitted he misses one special meal of his mother’s. He said, “It was something called pizza pie. It was made with this crazy huge dough on the outside. We had to switch the crust — find new alternatives.”

Recently, Tebow announced that he has teamed up with and said the diet is good for you.

Some celebrities and fitness coaches have criticized the diet and said it is not good for your health. Tebow said, “I don’t try to have a rebuttal. Everyone can share their opinions and what works for them. My encouragement is try what is right for them. For me and a lot of my family it has made a difference.”

“When you stand up for something you will get criticism for it, and that is okay,” added Tebow. “And I have. It has worked for me and I believe in it.”

Praising restaurants that have started providing keto-friendly foods, Tebow said, “They are making the Keto lifestyle easy for your average lifestyle.”

Although some dieticians said that cutting down carb could have detrimental effects on the body, Tebow said the keto diet gives him “the ability to focus and the lack of highs and lows.” “I want to encourage people to try the right lifestyle. The right lifestyle for them,” concluded Tebow.