Monday, March 3, 2025

Are OTC Hair Loss Treatments Effective? Check What Experts Have To Say

In a recent interview with Katie Couric, an award-winning journalist, Dr. Michele Green and Dr. Jeff Donovan have explained whether over-the-counter hair loss products are effective. They agree that OTC hair loss treatments work in some people.

FDA Test Shows Skin Absorbs Six Harmful Sunscreen Chemicals

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted a test in which it has showed that the skin can absorb six harmful sunscreen chemicals and may stay for days. Experts, who were not involved in the study, have advised that one can use mineral-based sunscreens.

It’s Time to Declare Healthcare a Human Right

US healthcare system has broken as patients have limited access to medical services because half of the population is uninsured to under-insured. And the high drug costs have been plaguing the healthcare system. So, it’s time to declare healthcare a human right by implementing certain changes.

BC Aims To Improve Safety of Health Care Workers

BC Health Minister Adrian Dix announced on Sunday that the provincial government has raised $8.5 million to create a group to reduce or tackle injuries and violence against health care workers. The aim is to ensure the safety of health care employees in the workplace.

Depression and Alcoholism Common among Female Partners of Military Personnel

According to a new study conducted by the King's Centre for Military Health Research, depression and binge drinking are common among female partners of military personnel that women who do not belong to the military community. Researchers have urged the agencies to develop campaigns that could help limit the use of alcohol among military families.

Here Are the 14 Most Dangerous Sunscreens for Children

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) conducted a study to look at the best and worst sunscreens sold to customers in the United States. The group found 14 sunscreens harmful to children. The investigators also found that three-quarters of all sunscreens sold in America are ineffective. EWG has urged the FDA to improve sunscreen regulations for more safety and efficacy.

Chemicals in Sunscreen Can Enter Human Bloodstream, Finds Study

Chemicals Sunscreen Enter Bloodstream
According to a new study, chemicals that are found in sunscreens can enter the human bloodstream, as the skin can easily absorb them. However, how long do the chemicals remain in the bloodstream is known. It is also unclear whether or not they are harmful. Meanwhile, the FDA is looking into the use of sunscreens.