Bachelor Star Vakoo’s Approach to Diet and Exercise Is Pretty Cool

“I don’t exercise. I really should though, I do a lot of walking but that’s about it.”


Bachelor star and model Vakoo Kauapirura is probably the only person who has taken the center stage without causing unnecessary drama. She has a great personality. She is confident, free-spirited a little cheeky, a little humble, and is extremely relatable.

Just like her cool personality, Vakoo’s approach to diet and exercise is more adorable and cool.

Speaking to Body and Soul, Vakoo said, “For breakfast, I usually have eggs and bacon with avo, or I will have cereal. I don’t have lunch as often as I should because I’m usually doing something. Dinner is always different, but I have pasta at least three times a week.”

When it comes to exercise, the model said, “I don’t exercise. I really should though, I do a lot of walking but that’s about it.”

Yes, you have read it right – she does not exercise! When she is not eating past or exercising, she does what she loves the most – “Watching Netflix or napping.”