Amid Medical Misinformation Crackdown, Insta Plans To Block Anti-Vaccine Hashtags

A spokesperson said Instagram plans to block anti-vaccine hashtags, including #vaccinescauseautism, #vaccinesarepoison, and #vaccinescauseids.

Instagram Plans To Block Anti Vaccine Hashtags

On Thursday, Instagram announced that it is planning to block anti-vaccine hashtags on its social media platform amid medical misinformation crackdown.

The photo and video-sharing social networking platform, which is owned by Facebook, has shared its plans after social media outlets inquired regarding anti-vaccine misinformation that has been continuing to spread across several platforms.

About three weeks ago, Facebook announced to block anti-vaccine content. In fact, it assured that it would no longer encourage or promote anti-vaccine posts on Insta’s “search” and “explore” bar.

On Thursday, the Atlantic and CNN reported that both the social media platforms’ search functions still provide vaccine-related misinformation, which includes hashtags and groups associated with vaccinations and autism, a claim that investigators have disclosed.

An Instagram spokesperson said on Thursday evening, “As part of our work to address health-related misinformation on Instagram, we’re looking at ways to minimize recommendations of this content and accounts that post it across Instagram – including in ‘Suggested For You’, Explore and hashtags.”

The spokesperson also said that Instagram’s planned short-term measures would include blocking hashtags that are related to anti-vaccine misinformation, including #vaccinescauseautism, #vaccinesarepoison, and #vaccinescauseids.”

The spokesperson added, “We noted that this process would take place over several weeks. But as we take action in the short-term we know that fighting misinformation is a long-term commitment.”

Users are taken to a page with no result when they click on a blocked Instagram hashtag, which also will not show up in search bars.

Public health officials and lawmakers are pushing social media companies to take stronger action against any type of anti-vaccine contents, arguing that the spread of medical misinformation has reinforced the anti-vaccine movement of people who deny vaccines for themselves or their kids on medical backgrounds. The recent measles outbreaks are in part because of the increasing number of people not getting immunized, while medical experts warn anti-vaccine movement largely uses social media platforms to promote their views and opinions.