Air Pollution Associated With Poor Bone Health

“This study contributes to the limited and inconclusive literature on air pollution and bone health.”


We all know what air pollution can do to our health.

It is well-documented that air pollution is linked to respiratory disease, lung cancer, and many other conditions. Except for lung disease, there are very few studies and inconclusive evidence that air pollution causes stroke and other health issues.

A new study, published in JAMA Network Open, has found a link between exposure to air pollution and poor bone health, with conclusive results.

The study, conducted by the researchers of Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), looked at more than 3,700 people from 28 villages in southern India.

The researchers estimated outdoor exposure to air pollution by looking at the fine particulate matter and black carbon.

The participants were asked about the type of fuel they used for cooking and linked this information with their bone health using a special type of radiography that measures bone density and bone mass.

The authors found that the participants who were exposed to ambient air pollution, especially to fine particles, had lower levels of bone mass.

ISGlobal researcher and study author Otavio Ranzani said, “This study contributes to the limited and inconclusive literature on air pollution and bone health.”

“Inhalation of polluting particles could lead to bone mass loss through the oxidative stress and inflammation caused by air pollution,” he added. Study coordinator Cathryn Tonne said, “Our findings add to a growing body of evidence that indicates that particulate air pollution is relevant for bone health across a wide range of air pollution levels, including levels found in high income and low-and medium-income countries.”